On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 09:36:27AM +0100, Rejo Zenger wrote:
> ++ 22/10/13 12:38 +0000 - miro:
> >> >Sometimes, I receive e-mails that are (at least partly) encrypted and 
> >> >that included attachments. I am not able to view those attachments. So, 
> >> >when I open the message I see:
> >> [...]
> >> >So, in order to view the attachment, I should prees "v". When doing so, 
> >> >I get to this: 
> >> >
> >> > |    I     1 <no description>                      [multipa/encrypted, 
> >> > 7bit, 1.9M]
> >> > |    I     2 <no description>                   [text/plain, 7bit, 
> >> > us-ascii, 0.1K]
> >> >
> >> >This isn't helpful, as I am unable to view the attachment. How should I do
> >> >this? How am I supposed to see the attachment (column.pdf in the example)?
> >> 
> >> In addition to this, the MIME-structure is:
> >> 
> >>  - multipart/mixed
> >>    - multipart/encrypted
> >>      - application/pgp-encrypted
> >>        - application/octet-stream
> >>          - multipart/mixed
> >>            - text/plain
> >>            - binary/octet-stream
> >>     - text/plain
> >> 
> >> Anyway, thanks a lot for helping me access the encrypted attachment
> >> (binary/octet-stream) from within mutt. 
> [...]
> >I'm not expert here, but do you have urlview installed? And what are the 
> >other programs, don't remember but those that view the M$ word docs... 
> >(there must be mention in the manual and/or on the wiki)
> >
> >And if you have all those installed, well, then, try debugging...
> What options for debuggin do you suggest? I am, more or less, lost at 
> this point. 
> -- 
> Rejo Zenger . <r...@zenger.nl> . 0x21DBEFD4 . <https://rejo.zenger.nl>
> GPG encrypted e-mail preferred . +31.6.39642738 . @rejozenger

Rejo, you are probably more expert than I am. You have my saga in this Mutt 
mailing list about how I couldn't even get postfix yet to work, but had to 
renounce on local mail and use sSMTP (and I consider it a success and am proud 
to be able to GPG sign my mails and communicate with you youngsters almost as 
one of you! :-) ...

A lot is still on the shoulders of MattDude who gave us this great program... 
It's a little sad (the following is my conjecture, I am not a sighted "medium" 
to see where not physically present) that there are people who use Mutt for 
diversions of true moral order amongst men, such as spamming or other abuse, 
and will learn all the tricks that good guys like Matthew have given them, but 
will never ever help... 

And there is a host of individuals from careless to reckless who don't 
understand that a river is made of droplets and don't want to contribute to any 
good, and Mutt is a good in the world...

This is what I found (I found nothing though in the manual):
$ man mutt
       -d level
              If  mutt  was complied with +DEBUG log debugging output to 
              bug0.  Level can range from 1-5 and effects verbosity. A value  
of  2
              is recommended.


If I were in your place, I'd try that.
And there must be something in the Wiki...

Miroslav Rovis,
Zagreb, Croatia

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