++ 22/10/13 12:38 +0000 - miro:
>> >Sometimes, I receive e-mails that are (at least partly) encrypted and 
>> >that included attachments. I am not able to view those attachments. So, 
>> >when I open the message I see:
>> [...]
>> >So, in order to view the attachment, I should prees "v". When doing so, 
>> >I get to this: 
>> >
>> > |    I     1 <no description>                      [multipa/encrypted, 
>> > 7bit, 1.9M]
>> > |    I     2 <no description>                   [text/plain, 7bit, 
>> > us-ascii, 0.1K]
>> >
>> >This isn't helpful, as I am unable to view the attachment. How should I do
>> >this? How am I supposed to see the attachment (column.pdf in the example)?
>> In addition to this, the MIME-structure is:
>>  - multipart/mixed
>>    - multipart/encrypted
>>      - application/pgp-encrypted
>>        - application/octet-stream
>>          - multipart/mixed
>>            - text/plain
>>            - binary/octet-stream
>>     - text/plain
>> Anyway, thanks a lot for helping me access the encrypted attachment
>> (binary/octet-stream) from within mutt. 
>I'm not expert here, but do you have urlview installed? And what are the other 
>programs, don't remember but those that view the M$ word docs... (there must 
>be mention in the manual and/or on the wiki)
>And if you have all those installed, well, then, try debugging...

What options for debuggin do you suggest? I am, more or less, lost at 
this point. 

Rejo Zenger . <r...@zenger.nl> . 0x21DBEFD4 . <https://rejo.zenger.nl>
GPG encrypted e-mail preferred . +31.6.39642738 . @rejozenger

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