rj wrote:
> On Mon 15 at 12:04 AM -0400, rj <r...@panix.com> wrote:
> > That would mean that although this line cures the problem, something else
> > is causing it.
> What was causing it was this key binding:
> bind   index,pager   {   reply    # Restored to 'r' in macro below.
> combined with this macro:
> macro index,pager  r  ":set editor='vim +10'^M{^M"  "reply with quoting"

Great news that you figured it out!

I don't know if you are using the "{" binding too, or have done that
just to use inside your macro.  In case it's the latter, note that you
can actually use <enter> and <reply> inside the macro instead:

macro index,pager  r  "<enter-command>set editor='vim +10'<enter><reply>"  
"reply with quoting"


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