Incoming from Luis Mochan:
> I don't know much about shell programming, but I found that
> /etc/urlhandler/ is a shell script that obtains its url
> doing '$url=$1'. I replaced the whole handler by the following
> program:
>     #! /bin/bash 
>     url=$1; shift
>     echo $url >>tmp.txt; 
> and found out that the url is cut short at the first ampersand. 
> I don't understand why echo by itself yields the correct result (above)
> while echo through a bash script yields the truncated result.

Unix shell handles variables abysmally.  You need to help it a lot to
do the right thing.  *Always* quote variables, else if they're empty
they tend to blow up on you.

# usage: "http://url.with/an&ampersand";
url="$1"; shift
echo "$url" # >>tmp.txt

exit 0

# Output:

(0) infidel /home/keeling_ sh/ "http://url.with/an&ampersand";

HTH.  :-)  Oh, you could do ${1} and ${url} instead, but even they
need to be quoted.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)                                                     :(){ :|:& };:
- -

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