On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 10:00:58PM -0600, s. keeling wrote: > Incoming from Luis Mochan: > > I found a mistake in the extract_url.pl program: it doesn't escape > > ampersands when present in the url, so when the command to actually > > view the url is invoked, the shell gets confused. I made a quick fix > > by substituting $command=~s/&/\\&/g before running command. > > Line 633? 634? So: > > # $command =~ s/%s/'$url'/g; > $command=~s/&/\\&/g; > > I'm a perl guy, yet that's non-trivial here. Thx. :-)
Are you sure that will work? You've just commented out a line of code. (Just wondering what your patch would look like.) Disclaimer: I haven't looked at extract_url.pl myself. -- "If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." --- Malcolm X