Hi John, > I guess I'm the slow one on the list. > Is there more to the patch than commenting out > > # $command =~ s/%s/'$url'/g; > > and replacing it with > > $command=~s/&/\\&/g I didn't comment out that line; it is needed to replace %s by the URL in the 'COMMAND' that actually opens the URL. What I did was modify the two 'system' calls. In a previous email to the list I included the patch. > >Ahh, see it's included in a message by Luis Mochan in this thread. By the way, the author of the program, Kyle Wheeler, wrote to me that he expects that adding the line COMMAND /etc/urlview/url_handler.sh '%s' to the configuration file ~/.extract_urlview would be enough to solve the problem (with %s between quotes). I believe I had tried that and that it didn't work, but now I'm not completely sure. You could try it. Best regards, Luis
-- o W. Luis Mochán, | tel:(52)(777)329-1734 /<(*) Instituto de Ciencias Físicas, UNAM | fax:(52)(777)317-5388 `>/ /\ Apdo. Postal 48-3, 62251 | (*)/\/ \ Cuernavaca, Morelos, México | moc...@fis.unam.mx /\_/\__/ GPG: DD344B85, 2ADC B65A 5499 C2D3 4A3B 93F3 AE20 0F5E DD34 4B85