Hi Marco,

On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 11:08:08AM +0100, Marco wrote:
> On 2013–02–19 James Griffin wrote:
> > The pattern ~(~something) is for doing things to messages within threads,
> > as someone suggested already.
> I couldn't get this working. But frankly, I didn't quite grasp yet
> what it's supposed to do. I will read the docs once more and try
> again later.

I think it was quite badly explained: ~(…) returns threads, that contain at
least one message where the inner pattern matched. So the example "~(~P)"
as listed in the documentation will give you all threads that contain a
message you sent.

I just tried it on my mutt-mailbox, with ":color index yellow default ~(~P)" 
and it colored all threads I participated in yellow as expected. This also
affected the collapsed view: http://imgur.com/d2BhIa4

So if your alternates are set up so that all your mail-addresses are listed
it should work pretty neat. It only leaves you to apply this only to the
mailboxes you want to.

Regards, Andre

Andre Klärner

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