----- Marco <net...@lavabit.com> [2013-02-19 00:12:52 +0100] ----- : > On 2013–02–18 Marco wrote: > > > Since I use folding by default, I would like to highlight entire > > threads as well. I only see the highlighted messages when I unfold > > the thread. > > Note: The message highlighting described in the other thread works > fine for threads I started. This question is about highlighting > messages I responded to. > > Marco
Marco, this is what I do: folder-hook . ' \ ... ;\ uncolor index "~x kode5.net" ;\ ... \ ' folder-hook mutt '\ ... ;\ color index black green "~x kode5.net" ;\ ... \ ' The first folder-hook is the default. It removes the coloured threading in folders such as my inbox and others that are not mailing list mailboxes or those which are not threaded, for whatever reason. The second folder-hook, in this case for my mutt mailing list mailbox, and the same is true for all other mailing list mailboxes, sets the colour black on green on mails that have my domain in the messages that have been followed up to in threads in which I have participated. Forgive the line continuation but i have lots of other settings in my folder-hooks and writing a single line for the entire hook would render it unreadable. The pattern ~(~something) is for doing things to messages within threads, as someone suggested already. You could play with that a bit. But I think my suggestion will work for you; obviously, use your own hostname/domainname in the expression. -- Primary Key: 4096R/1D31DC38 2011-12-03 Key Fingerprint: A4B9 E875 A18C 6E11 F46D B788 BEE6 1251 1D31 DC38