Mehturt wrote:
> Yes, I'm using this already.
> The question is - is there an equivalent of Thunderbird's "Normal
> Password" and "SSL/TLS"?
> I'm using:
> set smtp_url="smtps://user:pass@host:465"
> And I tried smtp_authenticators set to "plain" and "login", but it did not 
> work.
> I can post .muttdebug* if required.

Just a few random things to try.  First off, comment out
smtp_authenticators in your muttrc and let mutt try all the methods.

Try out port 587 and TLS (note the smtp:// instead of smtps://)
  set smtp_url="smtp://user:pass@host:587"

If you are on Debian/Ubuntu, make sure you have the libsasl2-modules
package installed.


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