On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 4:06 PM, s. keeling <keel...@nucleus.com> wrote:
> Incoming from Mehturt:
>> I'm trying to use mutt with my company's SMTP server (IMAP works fine).
> Is this a mutt problem, or do you need to fix your SMTP config?

Most likely I need to fix my SMTP config.

>> I always get SASL authentication failed when sending message.
> Methinks your SMTP config needs work.  Which SMTP are you using?  If
> postfix, try http://www.dnsexit.com/support/mailrelay/postfix.html
> /etc/postfix/relay_passwd:
> #   -------------------------------------
> relay.dnsexit.com USERNAME:PASSWORD
> #   -------------------------------------

I'm using the SMTP functionality built in mutt.

>> I tried Mozilla Thunderbird, and the settings which work, are:
>> Authentication method: Normal Password
>> Connection security: SSL/TLS
>> What is the equivalent in muttrc?
> Just guessing here (I'm not sure I'm actually using this, and I'm an
> IMAP newbie):
>    set imap_authenticators=ssl:tls

I need to configure SMTP, not IMAP.  IMAP works fine for me.

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