On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 6:23 PM, James Griffin <jmz.grif...@kode5.net> wrote:
> ----- Mehturt <meht...@gmail.com> [2013-02-18 14:14:41 +0100] ----- :
>> I'm trying to use mutt with my company's SMTP server (IMAP works fine).
>> I always get SASL authentication failed when sending message.
>> I tried Mozilla Thunderbird, and the settings which work, are:
>> Authentication method: Normal Password
>> Connection security: SSL/TLS
>> What is the equivalent in muttrc?
>> Thanks..
>> m.
> set smtp_url=smtp[s]://[user[:pass]@]host[:port]
>     ^^^^^^^^
> Also look at $smtp_pass and $smtp_authenticators in man 5 muttrc

Yes, I'm using this already.
The question is - is there an equivalent of Thunderbird's "Normal
Password" and "SSL/TLS"?

I'm using:
set smtp_url="smtps://user:pass@host:465"

And I tried smtp_authenticators set to "plain" and "login", but it did not work.
I can post .muttdebug* if required.

> mutt will need to have been compiled with sasl support and linked to the
> sasl libraries and the option --enable-smtp at configure time.

My configure command line contains --enable-smtp --with-ssl
--enable-smtp --with-sasl and a few other ones, not related to SMTP.

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