On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 12:04:22PM +0000, Franco wrote:
   I have a small yet annoying problem regarding mutt. In my .muttrc file
I have this line

macro pager c "<change-folder>?<toggle-mailboxes>" "open a different folder"

as I have many mailboxes, this macro allows me change folder when I am
browsing some messages.

Ok, not to the problem: let's say I pressed 'c' and am now /browsing the
folders/. I would love to be able to press 'c' again to close muttm.

As simple as this seems, I wasn't able to do it. Example, I put this into

macro browser c "<quit>"


   - if I start mutt and press 'c', it correctly quits

   - if I start mutm, open a mail folder, press 'c' twice, it will first
     go to the folder-browser (ok) and then (second 'c' tapped) will return
     to the opened mailbox

I am quite puzzled by the behaviour and don't know how to tackle the problem.
Do you folks can please help me?

macro browser c "<exit><quit>"

In the context of the browser, exit and quit do the same thing, which is to merely exit the file browser. What you need to do is first exit the browser, then the quit will be interpreted in the context of the index/pager, which will make mutt terminate.

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