
For each folder-hook I have bound <F10> to a macro that is supposed to
archive mail based on its score, which in turn is defined by its ages in
terms of date-received.

I cannot get the pattern to recurse into collapsed threads. Here is what
I have so far but I have tried so many different combinations in the
macro and at the index view by trying to tag messages manually. None of
my patterns work as intended. I'm now totally stuck:

folder-hook +.mutt '\
        macro index <F10> "<tag-pattern>'~n0-30 | ~v 
"Archive Old Messages" ;\

I understand the ~v pattern will get messages that are part of a
collapsed thread but it doesn't seem to work at all. I think it's
something to do with incorrect logical grouping or quoting or both, but
I can't seem to get it right.

You should be able to see from the example macro what I'm trying to
achieve, would someone mind giving me some hints/tips on what is wrong
with it and how I can tag messages recursively through collapsed threads
so they can be archived.

Many thanks. Jamie

PS: I left the macro line in one full line in my editor, not sure how it
will display. I didn't want to split it up in case it made it more
difficult to read.

Primary Key: 4096R/1D31DC38 2011-12-03
Key Fingerprint: A4B9 E875 A18C 6E11 F46D  B788 BEE6 1251 1D31 DC38

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