Hello folks using mutt,

    I have a small yet annoying problem regarding mutt. In my .muttrc file
I have this line

> macro pager c "<change-folder>?<toggle-mailboxes>" "open a different folder"

as I have many mailboxes, this macro allows me change folder when I am
browsing some messages.

Ok, not to the problem: let's say I pressed 'c' and am now /browsing the
folders/. I would love to be able to press 'c' again to close muttm.

As simple as this seems, I wasn't able to do it. Example, I put this into

> macro browser c "<quit>"


    - if I start mutt and press 'c', it correctly quits

    - if I start mutm, open a mail folder, press 'c' twice, it will first
      go to the folder-browser (ok) and then (second 'c' tapped) will return
      to the opened mailbox

I am quite puzzled by the behaviour and don't know how to tackle the problem.
Do you folks can please help me?

Ciao from Italy


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