On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 11:15:43AM -0500, Mark H. Wood wrote:
> Not for the first time, I find myself wishing for a Geek Code -like
> header to encode all the many mailing-list rules and preferences, so
> that UAs could give us more help in conforming to local standards.

Well, so why doesn't one come up with a standard to encode the rules
alltogether in the email-headers? We already got List-Id:, List-Post: so
why shouldn't be there a List-Unsubscribed-Participants: that gets filled
with the list of the people that listed "List-Subscribed: no" in their
post? And once one is at this there could also be List-ContentType: with
e.g. "text/plain:wrap=72,text/enriched,text/folded" so that linewraps are
done according to the liking of the (hopefully) full list.

Implementing this should be quite trivial for most MUA as they are open
source and most non-opensourced would probaply not implement is anyway.

Regards, Andre

Andre Klärner

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