--> David Woodfall <d...@dawoodfall.net> [2013-02-10 00:42:27 +0000]:
> I've a few mailing lists where people don't send to the mailing list > instead they CC it. In which case when I reply to the list mutt > doesn't recognise it as a list and I have to do a normal reply and > manually put in the mailing list address in the send field. > > Is there a way of getting mutt to recognise a list from the CC > address? > > I guess the other way is to nag people into using a proper email > client :) Although I also use the procmail trick to remove duplicate mail, if you have used the subscribe and/or lists command you should just be able to use the key <shift>L to reply to the list and only the list. I'm pretty sure this works when there are mulitple recipients in a message, inlcuding CC. Jamie -- Primary Key: 4096R/1D31DC38 2011-12-03 Key Fingerprint: A4B9 E875 A18C 6E11 F46D B788 BEE6 1251 1D31 DC38