On Sat, Dec 01, 2012 at 05:57:03PM -0500, Peter Davis wrote:
> Apparently even proper conversational quoting is too complex for you
> to follow. I was responding to a comment on a comment on an earlier
> post of mine. Since I wrote that earlier post, I think I have a pretty
> good idea what it was about.

Your post didn't read that way. There is no need to be abusive, is

> > I see now, how some of the posts in this thread seemed so weird! So
> > in this light, you'll see that the mutt-users mailing list just
> > happens to represent the majority of posters on mailing lists.
> Your conclusion seems to be drawn from thin air, since there's not a
> shred of evidence or even logic behind it.  Mutt users, including the
> members of this list, comprise a minute segment of the email using,
> and mailing list using public. They in no way represent the email or
> mailing list population in general.

You don't need to use mutt to understand netiquette. IOW, many users
exhibit good posting practice who don't use mutt at all.

> Etiquette, or "netiquette" if you prefer, is basically the set of
> rules of conduct, explicit or implicit, that are adopted and adhered
> to by a population to establish norms of behavior. 

Don't confuse netiquette with a list's code of conduct.


You should have a read of:

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing." --- Malcolm X

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