On 31Oct2012 17:32, Jeremy Kitchen <kitc...@kitchen.io> wrote: | On Thu, Nov 01, 2012 at 10:28:09AM +1100, Cameron Simpson wrote: | > [...] I've got mutt configured to automatically | > compose replies in a detachable screen session named after a mangling of | > the subject line, so I can reconnect later if disconnected (or if I just | > decide to disconnect from screen and finish composition another time). | > Thus: | > | > [/home/cameron]janus*> scr | > 1 23168.BACKUP | > 2 7237.DOVECOT | > 3 12992.EMERGE | > 4 8218.GETMAIL | > 5 9000.MAILFILER | > 6 31196.WD | > 7 4915.WD_BEY2 | > 8 4793.WD_BEYONWIZ | > 9 14831.mutt-01nov2012-10:10 | > 10 16970.mutt-27oct2012-14:45 | > | > So I could detach right now and reconnect by saying "scr 10" to finish | > the job. | | Hrm. I'd be very interested in seeing how this works. I like the idea, | but mutt's email editing is modal, right? How does that work with | essentially backgrounding an editor?
I mentioned this briefly in: http://www.mail-archive.com/mutt-users@mutt.org/msg40856.html but more thoroughly: I have: set edit_headers=yes set editor=muttedit set autoedit=yes Muttedit is here: https://bitbucket.org/cameron_simpson/css/src/tip/bin/muttedit It relies on a feature of mutt: if you exit the editor having changed nothing, mutt silently cancels the compose mode. So muttedit is invoked as your editor. It: - takes a copy of the message composition file it is handed - computes a "screen" title from the time and message subject - invokes screen running mutt -e 'set editor=$EDITOR' -e 'unset signature' -H "$filename" i.e. it runs a separate mutt in "compose a message from this template mode" So there you are in screen composing a message in a standalone mutt. You can complete it right there and send, exiting the standalone mutt. Or you can detach from screen and resume that process later. Either way, as far as your original mutt is concerned, muttedit exits and the composition file is unchanged, so it queitly returns to your index view or whatever. This is nearly seamless. Cheers, -- Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> I'm tired. I stayed up all night trying to round off infinity. - Steven Wright