On Thu, Nov 01, 2012 at 10:28:09AM +1100, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 31Oct2012 15:17, Jeremy Kitchen <kitc...@kitchen.io> wrote:
> | You may want to look into tmux :)
> Oh, I do want to!
> But if you mean logically subdividing a single _terminal_ window with
> multiple session displays, no thanks. I've never found it works for
> me with vi or screen or other in-terminal dividers, including urxvt's
> internal tabbing support; they all devolve to focus follows mouse or
> arcane keystrokes to switch focus because the terminal doesn't see the
> mouse cursor, and they also all devolve to emulated terminals and curses
> support issues, and the control stuff gets in the way of being a "pure"
> terminal. Let us not get into cut/paste line ending issues:-)

ugh. don't remind me about the cut/paste issues.

in your case, screen is fine :) Really, screen is just fine, I just
got into tmux because I wanted to see what all the hype was about and
now I'm much better with tmux than I ever was with screen.

> | Then again, nearly 100% of my in-terminal work is done from another,
> | permanently-connected machine, and my mac is just a portal to my
> | linux-box-du-jour.
> My mac is my portal like yours (though I do a lot of coding locally and
> push changes out - far far snappier, and one can do it on a train or
> otherwise offline, pushing later). This email is being written on my
> home server via ssh, and I've got mutt configured to automatically
> compose replies in a detachable screen session named after a mangling of
> the subject line, so I can reconnect later if disconnected (or if I just
> decide to disconnect from screen and finish composition another time).
> Thus:
>   [/home/cameron]janus*> scr
>     1   23168.BACKUP
>     2    7237.DOVECOT
>     3   12992.EMERGE
>     4    8218.GETMAIL
>     5    9000.MAILFILER
>     6   31196.WD
>     7    4915.WD_BEY2
>     8    4793.WD_BEYONWIZ
>     9   14831.mutt-01nov2012-10:10
>    10   16970.mutt-27oct2012-14:45
> So I could detach right now and reconnect by saying "scr 10" to finish
> the job.

Hrm. I'd be very interested in seeing how this works. I like the idea,
but mutt's email editing is modal, right? How does that work with
essentially backgrounding an editor?

> Anyone wanting to see the code for any of the above is quite welcome,
> BTW.

Yes, please :)


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