On Wed, Nov 02, 2011 at 05:10, du yang wrote:

Hi Du Yang,

> There is minor error in your script.
> The if condition's syntax is incorrect, it should be like as writing below. 
> (Note the quote mark position.)
> if [ -x "$folder" ]; then

I’ll make that change and see if it works.

> The intention of the script is to generate first level mailboxes start
> with '.' as well as the sub-level mailboxes(mbox or maildir) which starts 
> with '.'(except
> '.', '..', '.customflags', '.subscriptions'). 
> Note to show the sub-level mailboxes it requires the first level folder
> not start with '.'. Is this you want?

I don’t really mind whether the first-level folder starts with a ‘.’ or not; I 
only chose “.mail” so it would keep my Finder a little tidier.

> I have some tests with the script. there is a maildir folder structure
> created as below,
> # find .maildir/
> .maildir/
> .maildir/list
> .maildir/list/.c
> .maildir/list/.a
> .maildir/list/.b
> .maildir/inbox
> .maildir/.mbox
> .maildir/.list
> .maildir/.list/.c
> .maildir/.list/.a
> .maildir/.list/.b
> # ./a.sh 
> "+.list" "+.mbox" "+list/.a" "+list/.b" "+list/.c"
> # ./b.sh 
> "+.list" "+.mbox" "+.list/.a" "+.list/.b" "+.list/.c"
> The a.sh's  result should be the author's expectation. the b.sh is assume 
> that the first level folder starts with '.' when showing sub-level mailboxes. 
> Both of them are attached.

None of my sublevel mailboxes start with a ‘.’ — they’re just regular 
mailboxes.  A quick ls shows:

drwx------   7 mike   238B 31 Oct 18:58 Accounts/
drwx------   5 mike   170B 31 Oct 18:58 Archive/
drwx------  14 mike   476B 31 Oct 18:58 Archives/
drwx------   5 mike   170B 31 Oct 18:58 Deleted Messages/

Is that where my problem is?  Should I force offlineimap to generate sublevel 
mailboxes that start ‘.’?

Thanks once again for all your help,

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    / /_____  _______ _/ /__ _/ /____ _  __
   /  '_/ _ \/ __/ _ `/ / _ `/ __/ _ \ |/ /    Raconteur, Mostly
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