On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 12:01, du yang wrote:

> I think the error is mostly caused by the space in the directory names. 
> Try to use a double-quote mark for variable $folder in if condition.
> if [ -x "$folder" ];

Hi Du Yang,

Thanks for the above; it fixed the terminal errors, and now I’m running it 
without anything being printed to the terminal on exit.
      However, it’s *still* not letting me traverse the nested folders using 
the browser — I just end up in the top-level folder.  I can go there directly 
using macros (I have one, ga, set to get me to the current year’s archive 
      My .muttrc is now as follows:

   set   mbox_type     =    Maildir
   set   pager_stop
   set   folder        =    "~/.mail"
   set   spoolfile     =    "~/.mail/INBOX"
   set   record        =    "~/.mail/Sent\ Messages"
   set   postponed     =    "~/.mail/Drafts"
   set   mask          =    "!^\\.[^.]"

mailboxes ! + `\
 for file in ~/.mail/.*; do \
   box=$(basename "$file"); \
   if [ ! "$box" = '.' -a ! "$box" = '..' -a ! "$box" = '.customflags' \
       -a ! "$box" = '.subscriptions' ]; then \
     echo -n "\"+$box\" "; \
   fi; \
done; \
 for folder in ~/.mail/*; do \
   if [ -x $"folder" ]; then \
         box=$(basename "$folder"); \
         for file in ~/.mail/$box/.*; do \
                box2=$(basename "$file"); \
                if [ ! "$box2" = '.' -a ! "$box2" = '..' -a ! "$box2" = 
'.customflags' \
                 -a ! "$box2" = '.subscriptions' ]; then \
                   echo -n "\"+$box/$box2\" "; \
                fi; \
         done; \
    fi; \

Any ideas on why I can’t burrow down into the lower-level folders using the 

Many thanks,

     __                 __     __
    / /_____  _______ _/ /__ _/ /____ _  __
   /  '_/ _ \/ __/ _ `/ / _ `/ __/ _ \ |/ /    Raconteur, Mostly
  /_/\_\\___/_/  \_,_/_/\_,_/\__/\___/___/     <http://koralatov.com/>

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