On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 03:06, du yang wrote:

> Are the last one script?
> There is one space missing in it. the if condition should be like
> if [ -x $folder ];
> instead of
> if [ -x $folder];
> Is that your problem?
> The first one script looks having no problem on syntax after removing tailing 
> space.

Hi Du Yang,

I tried making the fix you suggested, but it still hasn’t workedi — I still 
can’t access the nested folders.  I don’t get the previous error in printed in 
the terminal on exit, but I now get this: 

    sh: line 0: [: too many arguments
    sh: line 0: [: /Users/mike/.mail/Deleted: binary operator expected
    sh: line 0: [: /Users/mike/.mail/Sent: binary operator expected
    Mailbox is unchanged.

I suspect “Deleted” and “Sent” are “Deleted Messages” and “Sent Messages”.  I 
use these mailboxes because my iPhone created them and I can’t work out how to 
make it use other folders.
      Any other ideas on how to fix this?


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