Hi Tim!

On Di, 17 Mai 2011, Tim Gray wrote:

> As far as wrapping my paragraphs in my message body, you need to
> have your vim options set correctly.  I have the following set for
> when I edit mail in vim.  You could get away with a subset of these.
>     setlocal formatoptions=wtcqrn
>     setlocal tw=72
>     setlocal noai
>     setlocal nosi
> I set text wrapping to 72 columns (tw).  I turn off auto indenting
> (noai) and smart indenting (nosi).  The format options are explained
> in vim's help under 'fo-table'.  But the short story on them is the
> following:

I use a formatoption script, that uses a custom formatoption setting 
depending on the region the cursor is on. This allows to have different 
formatoptions for e.g. Header lines, quotes, code, etc.)

The idea was from Teemu Likonen, who posted his script at the vim list: 
http://groups.google.com/group/vim_use/msg/f59e5c1adc6be2b3 and which I 
adjusted to my personal tasteā€¦

"Little else matters than to write good code."
                -- Karl Lehenbauer

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