On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 12:25:35PM -0600, Aaron Toponce wrote:
> On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 03:30:13PM +0200, Richard wrote:
> > the more practical idea is to edit plain text (or some kind of 
> > markup/richtext)
> > in your favorite editor and have a wrapper script around the editor which 
> > converts
> > that to/from html.
> I already have my "editor" set as a Python script that executes Vim. The
> goal of this is to create a minted Hashcash token for the mail. It's
> working well, and I imagine it would be trivial to extend the script to
> wrap some basic <p> tags around my paragraphs (all that's really needed, I
> guess).

it would be as easy. I have done a little more,
 - bullet lists and such
 - detect quoted text and wrap it into blockquote or something similar

none of that very difficult

> Regardless, the format:fixed versus format:flowed argument seems to have
> resurfaced due to the emergence of mobile devices, at least for me. So, I'm
> visiting all my options on what the "best use case" is for the most
> recipients, and I appreciate your responses.

I am myself curious to learn what kind of formatting the mobile devices like 

I would think that it won't take long and most of them will display 72 columns 
pretty well so that there will be no need for special solutions?


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