On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 09:59:19AM -0600, Aaron Toponce wrote:

> I don't mind tasteful, minimalistic HTML mail, but composing such in Vim is
> a major PITA. Plain text is so much easier to compose in that regard. I
> guess I could create macros, et cetera, et cetera, but it's still more work
> than just composing plain text, and letting the lien wrap automatically.

the more practical idea is to edit plain text (or some kind of markup/richtext) 
in your favorite editor and have a wrapper script around the editor which 
that to/from html.

I have done that once and it worked pretty well back then but did not have the
need for it since a few years. If you are interested I could revive the script 
and dig out the details of the configuration that I used.
Back then the configuration was a bit tricky and it did not play well with


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