On Mon, May 09, 2011 at 03:31:29PM -0400, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> * Richard <r...@linux-m68k.org> [05-09-11 15:19]:
> > 
> > Meanwhile I found out that it is also possible to use keymap action to 
> > change 
> > translations on the fly.
> > 
> > The only bit I need to think off - how do I invoke the keymap action 
> > automatically
> > whenever mutt is started? 
> alias mutt=xterm -e "xtermset -T mutt;mutt"

  xterm -e mutt

would already do what I want (tested that) - except that I was wondering if it 
be achieved without starting a new xterm.

xtermset (and the similar xtermcontrol) seem to use xterm escape sequences and
I just can't find any xterm escape sequence that would switch keymaps or invoke
arbitrary actions. Maybe too much to ask for but would be definitely cool.


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