On Mon, May 09, 2011 at 05:01:42PM +0200, //c wrote:

> # allows your mutt(rc) to override/ set the xterm-title, when running mutt
> set xterm_set_titles=yes
> # 
> # Remember:
> #         if set xterm_title --> xterm_set_titles
> # but:
> #         ¬ (xterm_set_titles --> xterm_title)
> # allows you to specify your xterm-Title
> set xterm_title="Mutt with%?m? %m Messages&no messages?%?n? [%n New]?"

this seems to be some patched version of mutt? Would be pretty cool
functionality, although quite doable with normal scripting.

> /2 Can you explain briefly, what this part of your script should do?
> >  "\033]0;mutt\007" 
> Im unfortunately not that familiar with shell-scripting, yet.

that was part of 
  set my_init=`/bin/echo -en "\033]0;mutt\007" >/proc/$PPID/fd/1 `

this does send the character sequence 033,],0;... etc to the xterm
and this does change the title to mutt. Characters with leading "0"
are in octal notation.

Its much more complicated to do this from mutt than from shell - or 
I did simply not find a more straightforward way to do it.

The equivalent shell command would be
  /bin/echo -en "\033]0;mutt\007"
The way I have done it in mutt does external command invocation using
backticks, which means that standard output is not sent to xterm but
to a pipe instead. To get it sent to the xterm I use the redirection 
to /proc/$PPID/fd/1 - which in Linux (and probably only there) means
send it to the standard output of the parents process.


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