On Mon, May 09, 2011 at 09:18:18AM -0500, Derek Martin wrote:
> On Sun, May 08, 2011 at 12:38:55PM +0200, Richard wrote:
> > which does successfully set the xterm title (any easier way to
> > simply execute an external command????) - however the xterm resource
> > name is apparently not affected by this update.
> The xterm maintainer is on the list, and can confirm when he sees this
> thread, but I believe xterm and most other X clients set the resource
> name once during initialization, and read all their resources from the
> X server (or the command line) only once, at start-up.

makes sense and it would have probably many strange side effects if it would
change resource name at runtime.

Meanwhile I found out that it is also possible to use keymap action to change 
translations on the fly.

The only bit I need to think off - how do I invoke the keymap action 
whenever mutt is started? 
In other words is it possible to trigger xterm actions (such as keymap(table)) 
echoing some control-sequence?


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