=- Tim Gray wrote on Fri  5.Feb'10 at 11:02:10 -0500 -=

> One could certainly write a utility to parse the headers and
> display them. However, the final action that one takes with the
> selected output is not to pass it off to a program of your choice
> based on mailcap, but to send another message through mutt.

Well, you want an automated processing, not writing "regular" mail
where you type something. You don't need a MUA for that, you can go
directly to te MTA.

> To me, something like this IS a good candidate to be integrated
> into mutt. It's essentially a variation on the reply command.

I'd rather pipe it to something to use sendmail directly.

© Rado S. -- You must provide YOUR effort for your goal!
EVERY effort counts: at least to show your attitude.
You're responsible for ALL you do: you get what you give.

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