On Thu  4, Feb'10 at  8:07 PM -0800, Morris, Patrick wrote:
Some of us are fans of the interpretation of the Unix philosophy that includes gluing together a lot of small, purpose-built apps into a greater (albeit sometimes messy and convoluted) whole.

I agree with this for the most part. Setting up msmtp or putmail.py is easy. If you want a beefier MTA, then you can get into postfix if you want. The ability to choose between mutt's inbuilt IMAP or offlineimap or getmail or fetchmail is also very nice.

I'm ok with external utilities like ulrview scraping URLs out of an email, because the flow of information in that case is directed out of mutt. Find the URL, and pass it off based on your mailcap entry, which is brilliant. Mutt's not a browser and shouldn't made to be one. The power of mailcap with it's autoview settings is a testament to the flexibility of this approach.

I'm not so sure that model works for the list header thing though. One could certainly write a utility to parse the headers and display them. However, the final action that one takes with the selected output is not to pass it off to a program of your choice based on mailcap, but to send another message through mutt. To me, something like this IS a good candidate to be integrated into mutt. It's essentially a variation on the reply command.

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