* hsan...@gmail.com [2010-01-15 23:57]:
>A few weeks ago everytime I replied a message by pressing r on the index or
>pager views the To: header field was correctly set to the same address in the
>original message From: header.
>Now everytime I reply an email the To: header in the reply is set to the To:
>header of the original message that usually is my address.
>I played with the reply_to option to no avail. Can someone please tell me what
>is wrong with my configuration??
My eyes see nothing obvious, but to debug, could you try setting
unalternates *
Well you must have seen something because setting this at the end of my muttrc
fixed it.
Not needed but more details on why this fixes my problem would be greatly
Well, I really saw nothing suspicious, but the behaviour you described
looked like there were some mad
somewhere. Mutt replies to recipient if sender matches alternates,
assuming that if you reply to a mail from yourself, you really want to
send a mail to the recipient of that mail, rather than yourself. If you
set alternates to match all addresse, mutt will think that all mails you
send are from yourself, so it will reply to the recipient, rather than
the sender.
So, I suggested that you try to disable any set alternates by putting
unalternates *
at the end of your configuration fil to reset effect of any previously
set alternates (look at the docs to see what these commands do, in short
they tell which addresses are yours).
Now you might want to try to debug further yourself.
Hope that helped.
-- Kirill Miazine <k...@krot.org>