A few weeks ago everytime I replied a message by pressing r on the index or
pager views the To: header field was correctly set to the same address in the
original message From: header. 

Now everytime I reply an email the To: header in the reply is set to the To:
header of the original message that usually is my address.

I played with the reply_to option to no avail. Can someone please tell me what
is wrong with my configuration??

Horacio Sanson
# Jump to Mailboxes view when pressing q from within the index
# and quit when pressing q from within the Mailboxes view.
macro   index   q       '<change-folder>?<toggle-mailboxes>'
macro   browser q       '<exit><quit>'

# General Settings
set menu_scroll  # Stop mutt from jumping entire pages when scrolling
set copy=no      # Do not create copy of outgoing mails
set move=no      # Do not move read mail from the spool to the mbox
set delete=yes   # Purge deleted messages without asking
#set edit_headers # Allow me to edit headers when composing
set fast_reply   # Skip initial prompts when replying
set use_from     # Needed to enable reverse_name
set reverse_name # Leave my address as it appears in the message I am replying
set fcc_attach   # Keep attachments in forwarded messages
set include=yes  # Always include message when replying
set indent_string="> " # Intent string for included messages
set pipe_split   # split tagged messages when using "|"
set pager_stop   # Don't jump to next message at the end of the pager
set allow_ansi   # Display colors used for pygmentize

set print=ask-yes # ask me if I really want to print messages
set print_command='paps | lpr' # Good for UTF-8 Japanese emails.
#set print_command="a2ps -2" # how to print things (I like to save trees)

# Command History
set history=200
set save_history=100
set history_file=~/.mutt/history

# Headers diplay
ignore "Authentication-Results:"
ignore "DomainKey-Signature:"
ignore "DKIM-Signature:"
hdr_order Date From To Cc Reply-To

# Mailing Lists Management
# http://larve.net/people/hugo/2000/07/ml-mutt
set followup_to=no
set honor_followup_to=no

subscribe group -group mailinglist ffmpeg-de...@mplayerhq.hu
subscribe group -group mailinglist ffmpeg-u...@mplayerhq.hu
subscribe group -group mailinglist android-beginn...@googlegroups.com
subscribe group -group mailinglist mutt-users@mutt.org

# Remove all messages older than 3 years, note that all my mailing lists
# folders start with ML-
#folder-hook ML- 'push <tag-pattern>~r>3y!~F<enter>'                    # Marks 
them only, good for testing
folder-hook ML- 'push <delete-pattern>~r>3y!~F<enter>'                  # 
Actually deletes the old messages

message-hook '%C mailinglist' 'set from=hsan...@gmail.com'
send-hook '%C mailinglist' 'my_hdr From: hsan...@gmail.com'

# Handling Threads
# Show number of threads if collapsed
set index_format="%M %Z  %(%Y %b %d (%H:%m))  %-40.40n (%?l?%4l&%4c?) %s"

# Sort by threads
set sort = 'threads'
set sort_browser="reverse-date"
set sort_aux = 'last-date-received'

# Collapse all threads except for threads with unread messages.
set collapse_unread=no
folder-hook . 'push <collapse-all>'
bind index za collapse-thread         # Collapse current read thread
bind index zA collapse-all            # Collapse all read thread

source '~/.mutt/scripts/gpg.rc'
source ~/.mutt/colors/colors256-ivy

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