* Horacio Sanson [2010-01-15 10:40]:
A few weeks ago everytime I replied a message by pressing r on the index or pager views the To: header field was correctly set to the same address in the original message From: header. Now everytime I reply an email the To: header in the reply is set to the To: header of the original message that usually is my address. I played with the reply_to option to no avail. Can someone please tell me what is wrong with my configuration??
My eyes see nothing obvious, but to debug, could you try setting unalternates * at the end of your muttrc? BR, Kirill -- #!/usr/bin/perl -w print(&{sub{eval(qq(q(@_)))}}((join(''=>map{ord=~m(1(06|12))?uc:lc}($[=> map{chr}(97..122))[map{int}grep{length}split(/(\d\d)/,'102119200114152'. q(008051816051812080103110518))]))=~m(^(Just)(.+)(Perl)(.+)(?#:-)$)),$/)