* Wu, Yue <vano...@gmail.com> [05-08-09 18:26]:
> Do you me I should fix it manually?

 :^), yes

> >From the manpage of muttrc, it says mark_old is for:
> > Controls whether or not mutt marks new unread messages as old if you
> > exit a mailbox without reading them.
> So it's for message, not for mbox. My issue is that when I enter into
> mbox then change to others, then the mbox's new mark will gone, no
> matter if the mbox contains new messages or not.

Mutt inserts a "flag" into each message header according to your
configuration.  If you examine the header of a message flagged as
"old" you will see "Status: O" near the last header line.

Since you had previously used mutt configured to "mark_old" and mutt
did as it was told, you must those messages which have already been
flagged.  To do this:


Enter the above characters and the entire visible listing will have
the "old" flagged messages changed to "new".

> Maybe I didn't describe myself clearly, so make you misunderstand?
> Sorry for my bad English.

Yes, you have made your problem clear.  But once the "new" messages
have been marked/flagged as "old" changing the configuration will not
automagically change them back to "new".  The key sequence I displayed
above "T~O;N" will change the entire current mbox file.

And since you have set "mark_old" to "off" or "unset", you will not
see this happen any more.

I hope I have made this clear for you.  :^)
Patrick Shanahan         Plainfield, Indiana, USA        HOG # US1244711
http://wahoo.no-ip.org     Photo Album:  http://wahoo.no-ip.org/gallery2
Registered Linux User #207535                    @ http://counter.li.org

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