> It seems, that the programs are  reading  "/<folder>/new/"  and  if  you
> access a Maildirfolder over IMAP, the server (in my case  courier)  move
> the messages to "/<folder>/cur/" which let "buffy"  thinking,  they  are
> now read.
> This is definitively a BUG in the biff/buffy apps  or  they  can  handel
> only local mail and not IMAP which asume, mutt  is  accessing  the  same
> folder local and not using IMAP.

It's the buffy-list function in mutt itself, not a separate biff/buffy app
that is doing the notifying, and it was mutt that was misreading the
information (or using the wrong information given my settings) that the IMAP
server gave it. The IMAP server was reporting the right amount of unread
mails, but mutt wasn't using that value unless it detected new mails arriving
since the last time it checked.

Thankfully, since the patch to mutt posted by Vladimir (which appears to work
correctly even with mark_old set, unlike my patch which only worked in my
situation), I haven't had any issues with the buffy list, and have been able
to get rid of the ghastly sidebar patch too, which was what I was using to see
folders with new mail previously.


Mark Harrison
Systems Administrator
OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc.

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