=- Mark Harrison wrote on Wed 3.Sep'08 at 22:45:13 -0400 -= > I have mail being delivered to several folders in an imap account, > {...} However, when I change to a folder with new mail, that > folder is removed from the buffy list, and remains that way even > if I leave the folder without reading all of the mail (for > example, if an important mail comes into a different folder and I > want to read that before coming back).
It is so even when you don't read _any_ (not even new) mail in that folder. Merely opening the folder sets a flag. I don't know whether that's a mutt or IMAP feature, but it's a feature rather than a bug. If it's up to mutt, a filed wish might produce an optional behaviour. Otherwise hack your server to do as you like or make a new IMAP standard. ;) -- © Rado S. -- You must provide YOUR effort for your goal! EVERY effort counts: at least to show your attitude. You're responsible for ALL you do: you get what you give.