On Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 01:11:24PM -0400, Mark Harrison wrote:
> > It is so even when you don't read _any_ (not even new) mail in that folder.
> > Merely opening the folder sets a flag.
> > I don't know whether that's a mutt or IMAP feature, but it's a
> > feature rather than a bug.

I looked at this further, and it is definitely not an IMAP bug/feature. The
IMAP responses show the correct number of unseen messages. The issue lies in
mutt only showing a folder in the buffy list if new mail has arrived since the
last time you looked the folder, regardless of the number of unseen messages.
The attached patch modifies this behavior so that mutt will always show a
folder in the buffy list if there are unseen messages. Ideally, this would be
a configurable setting in .muttrc, but this works for me.


Mark Harrison
Systems Administrator
OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc.
Index: mutt-1.5.18/imap/command.c
--- mutt-1.5.18.orig/imap/command.c     2008-09-09 00:17:25.000000000 -0400
+++ mutt-1.5.18/imap/command.c  2008-09-09 00:17:33.000000000 -0400
@@ -897,7 +897,7 @@
         if (olduv && olduv == status->uidvalidity)
-          if (oldun < status->uidnext)
+          /* if (oldun < status->uidnext) */
             inc->new = status->unseen;
         else if (!olduv && !oldun)

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