++ 13/04/08 22:36 +0200 - Kirill Miazine:
>>With the first one, it doesn't work. Without the first line, it does.
>Yes, that does make sense and actually behaves the way I would expect.
>To me it seems that your send-hooks will be flushed immediately after
>you enter a folder. What is the first line supposed to do?

Yes, of course. I am not sure why I had that particular line there. I
didn't realise this was the problem, but of course, your explanation
makes a lot of sense.

>>I am still *first* setting the default and have that default overruled
>>by more specific situations. 
>Yes. First . is matched, and then ~C.


Rejo Zenger . <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> . 0x75FC50F3 . <https://rejo.zenger.nl>

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