Quoting Rejo Zenger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> Hey Sander. Small world, isn't it? 

Heheh ;)

> >>   send-hook '~t [EMAIL PROTECTED]' "set pgp_autoencrypt=yes"
> >> Still  I can't figure out why this hook doesn't work. 
> >This only seems to work with edit_hdrs turned off.
> I do not have enabled this option.

That's weird.
I've got Mutt 1.5.15+20070412 (2007-04-11) with a setup you described,
the only difference is that my pattern is in "-quotes, not '-ones and i
do not escape the dot in the address. 

This works for me with edit_hdrs turned off. Do you have more
send-hooks? Could some 'conflict' in some way? Maybe check out autoedit
or fast_reply settings.

| A day without sunshine is like, night.
| 1024D/08CEC94D - 34B3 3314 B146 E13C 70C8  9BDB D463 7E41 08CE C94D

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