* Rejo Zenger [2008-04-13 20:59]:
Correctly. I had this order:

 folder-hook .                  unhook send-hook
 send-hook .                    "unset pgp_autoencrypt"
 send-hook '^~C <address>         "set pgp_autoencrypt=yes"

With the first one, it doesn't work. Without the first line, it does.

Yes, that does make sense and actually behaves the way I would expect.
To me it seems that your send-hooks will be flushed immediately after
you enter a folder. What is the first line supposed to do?

I am still *first* setting the default and have that default overruled
by more specific situations.

Yes. First . is matched, and then ~C.

    -- Kirill Miazine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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