On (16/09/07 06:30), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > ... > I use it from console most of the time and tried a couple of color > combinations, but the bright colors coupled with the traditional > black background get to fatigue my eyes very quickly. > My preference would be a white/light gray background and not-too- > bright colors that are easy on the eyes. > I do not know enough to create my own, so can someone suggest > where some good code to that extent for my .muttrc can be found? > ...
Here's one way of doing it, mostly lifted from the efforts of others. You can fiddle with colors to suit yourself, of course. ## MUTT COLORS # valid colors : white, black, green, magenta, # blue, cyan, yellow, red, # Each color comes in plain (red) and bright (brightred) # color thisthing foreground background [arguments] color normal black default color attachment black cyan color hdrdefault cyan white color indicator black green color markers red white color index green default ~N # New color index magenta yellow ~T # Tagged color index black white ~D # Deleted color index blue default ~O # Old color index red default '~f cron' color index red default '~f Anacron' color index brightyellow black "~b '\ name.{0,9}\=.{2,30}\.zip'" color index red yellow '~f root' color quoted blue white color quoted1 green white color quoted2 magenta white color quoted3 yellow white color signature red cyan color status yellow blue color tilde blue white color tree red white color header blue white ^From: color header blue white ^To: color header blue white ^Date: color header blue white ^Reply-To: color header blue white ^Cc: color header red white ^Subject: color header blue white ^X-Spam-Status: color body red white [EMAIL PROTECTED] color body blue white (https?|ftp)://[\-\.,/%~_:?&=\#a-zA-Z0-9]+ # Errors will be printed in red: color error brightred brightdefault Additionally, if you are deploying gpg, you can color the messages thus: # GPG/PGP related color directives: mono body bold "^gpg: Good signature" mono body reverse "^gpg: Bad signature from.*" color body brightblack cyan "^gpg: Signature made.*" color body brightblack green "^gpg: Good signature from.* " color body brightblack yellow "^gpg: Can't check signature .*" color body brightblack yellow "^gpg: WARNING: .*" color body brightwhite red "^gpg: BAD signature from.*" HTH -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ==================================================== GPG key 1024D/99421A63 2005-01-05 EE51 79E9 F244 D734 A012 1CEC 7813 9FE9 9942 1A63 gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 99421A63
Description: Digital signature