On Sun, Sep 16, 2007 at 03:44:42PM +0200, Rado S wrote:
> External editor (which need not be GUI like nano!) is always better
> than mutt's built-in (if you really meant that rather than merely a
> _textmode_ editor like vi), because built-in is too primitive to be
> happy with it all the time.
> Then you choose between GUI (nano) and TUI (vi or the like).
> GUI needs X, which you sometimes don't have when you use mutt, so a
> TUI would be better to get used to if you expect non-X setups.
> As for pager: stick with mutt's as long as possible, it's powerful
> enough.

Actually nano is a tiny textmode console editor, very much like 
pico and vi, and does not need X.

So, are you a lot of you guys using external textmode editors 
in the place of Mutt's "primitive" one? What are the intelligent 
alternatives? Is it feasible, then, to make your external textmode 
editor match mutt's colors?


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