* D. J. Bolderman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-09-25 18:47]:
> I'm having some difficulties on using folder-hooks.
> For some reason, my folder-hooks are not 'executed'
> Relevant lines in my .hooks file:
>   send-hook . my_hdr From: <normal mail account>
>   send-hook mutt-users my_hdr From: <list account>
>   folder-hook '!'INBOX.MailingLists.Mutt my_hdr From: <list account>
> [..] So, it seems that the folder-hook setting is not used, but why ?

you see the my_hdr comamnd as one thing - but mutt does not.
and if the '!' is meant as a negation then it need not be quoted.

  folder-hook ! INBOX.MailingLists.Mutt "my_hdr From: <list account>"

> '!' refers to my IMAP server, and I have no problems with using the
> '!' in other rules, so that must be ok.

'!' refers to the IMAP server??


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