On Thu, 26 Sep 2002, Sven Guckes wrote:

> let's see...

>   $ cat muttrc.test
>   set autoedit
>   set edit_headers
>   send-hook   .       "my_hdr From: me <a@b>"
>   folder-hook +empty  "my_hdr From: me <c@d>"
>   folder-hook +empty  "my_hdr Subject: test"

>   $ mutt -n -F muttrc.test -f /dev/null

> sending a mail ('m' and a possible  'n' to say "no" to the prompt
> "Recall postponed message? ([yes]/no):") now results in "From: me
> <a@b>" (autoedit let's me skip the prompts for "Subject:" and "To:" -
> and edit_headers will show me the headers in the editor).  as i am
> using vim i can exit very fast with "ZZ".

> now, when changing to +empty, the folder-hooks do get triggered (i can
> tell be the X-Test: showing up) - but there is still "From: me <a@b>",
> so the send-hook overrules the From: header as set by the
> folder-hook.

You are right, I also tested it with the subject, and then the
folder-hook works. Now, is there any way to work around this problem ? I
tried removing the send-hook . lines, but to no avail. I would really
like to have this feature. I'm downloading my hotmail account with
gotmail, and when I'm in my hotmail IMAP folder, I want to sent mails
with the from: address of my hotmail account.


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