On Thu, 26 Sep 2002, Sven Guckes wrote: > > I'm having some difficulties on using folder-hooks. > > For some reason, my folder-hooks are not 'executed' > > Relevant lines in my .hooks file: > > send-hook . my_hdr From: <normal mail account> > > send-hook mutt-users my_hdr From: <list account> > > folder-hook '!'INBOX.MailingLists.Mutt my_hdr From: <list account> > > [..] So, it seems that the folder-hook setting is not used, but why ?
> you see the my_hdr comamnd as one thing - but mutt does not. and if > the '!' is meant as a negation then it need not be quoted. Strange, because my send-hooks are working allright, and I'm not using quotes there either. For example: send-hook mutt my_hdr From: <list account> works allright. > folder-hook ! INBOX.MailingLists.Mutt "my_hdr From: <list account>" Still doesn't work...i tried all possible combinations. > '!' refers to the IMAP server?? Yep, i've defined my IMAP server + INBOX in the set spoolfile argument. I also use save-hook "~C mutt-users" '!'.MailingLists.Mutt.Archive and that also works.