Hi, * jennyw [02-07-10 20:10:08 +0200] wrote: > 2. Is there a way to mark all messages as read for an > entire folder? Or marking all tagged messages as read? > I often do not sort by threads, and the only mark read > command I could find works only with threads.
,----[ ~/.mutt/setup/macros ]- | [...] | ### remove ~N on all mail | macro index ,n |"<collapse-all><tag-pattern>~N<enter><tag-prefix>N<untag-pattern>~T<enter><collapse-all>" | "Remove ~N flag on all mail" | [...] `- I have folder hooks which collapse all threads on entering; so this macro first of all un-collapses them, tags all messages with the ~N (New) flag, toggles it on all tagged ones, untags everything and collapses the threads again. Done. I know that the macro sequence could be much shorter, but hey, nobody gets younger as it's much more readable this way. ;-) bye, Rocco