A few quick questions I hope someone can answer:

    1. My installation of Mandrake 6.0 came with mutt installed as an
    RPM. I recently removed the RPM and upgraded to the last version,
    (with a tarball) and all of the sudden my colors don't work (it's 
    all white.) My .muttrc wasn't changed at all, all the color setup 
    is still there.
    2. I found the documentation concerning mailboxes/folders (are they
    the same thing?) confusing. Does mutt filter mail into different
    mailboxes, or is that procmail's job? How do I create/edit different
    mailboxes? What exactly does the "list" directive do?

Thanks, Joshua Haberman

GPG Public Key: http://joshua.haberman.com/files/pubkey.pgp

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