On Sun, Jan 30, 2000 at 08:14:35PM +0200, Mikko Hänninen wrote:
> Can't help you with the Mandrake question, sorry -- I don't use RPMs.
> :-)
I'm fairly certain it's _not_ a Mandrake question, I just included that
as backgroud information.
I guess the gist of my first question is this: I upgraded from 0.85 or
so (I wish I could remember the exact version) to 1.0.1i and the colors
no longer work. I made no other changes to the system configuration in
the mean time (same terminal program, same .muttrc, etc...) It linked
with ncurses during the make, so I can't figure out why the colors don't
> I don't know what you mean with "edit folders".
What if I wanted to change the name of a folder? Or change it from mbox
to another format? Or merge all of the contents of two folders into a
third folder? This is the kind of thing I meant...
Also, why does mutt insist on putting an equal sign at the beginning of
the names of mailboxes? It sucks to have to type in every time...
> ... lets Mutt know that the two Mutt list addresses are mailing lists.
> This is useful so that when you're reading mailing list messages, you
> can press just use the L(ist-reply) command to send a reply that will
> go to the mailing list. Specifying lists also means that a correct
> Mail-Followup-To header gets generated for list emails.
Cool, that works well.
Just out of curiosity, do you generally have mail from different mailing
lists filtered into different folders? It seems like it'd be much easier
to manage that way...
Thanks for all your help. I never thought I could like a terminal based
reader, but mutt's really starting to grow on me... :-)
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