Hello Christoph,

 On Thursday, June 13, 2002 at 10:23:01 AM +0300, Christoph Bugel wrote:

> I found that my local mbox files contain lots of headers of the form
> In-reply-to: <"from userxyz"@host>

    Do you have an MTA called "iPlanet Messaging Server" in the path
between the list robot and you?

> but when I look at an online mailing list archive, the reported header
> is totally different! It has the default $in_reply_to format (first
> the message-id, and then a lot of other text)

    Humm! Nothing sure, really only a weak hypothesis: One or more silly
SMTP relays don't pass mails like they are, only adding a "Received:"
field at top, but interpret and rewrite headers. This results in some
minor (but yet annoying) change in nature and amount of spaces and tabs,
case of names, field order, etc... and also this IRT content rewriting
when it contained something else then just an ID. This iPlanet is one of
these idiotic servers. </hypothesis>.

    The facts now: I played with grep, limits and patterns on all my
mail archives. « zgrep -i "^in-reply-to: <\"from " » gave me two results
(well, 4, but counting you quoting this). These 2 are both mails from
this list, both are written with Mutt 1.2.5 or -.1, both have a folded
"References:" field. Their IDs are:


    One of them had iPlanet on the road from poster to list. All non-X-
headers are rewritten, this can be seen for example with "MIME-version:"
with a lowercase "v". Many other mails go thru an iPlanet, all have this
low "v", but only this one has a mangled IRT: intersection between
"replies with" and "goes thru iPlanet" is only this one mail.

    The other one, it's much less clear: it came to list thru sendmail,
PMDF V6.0-24, and SMTP Relay (MMS v4.7). If one had to suspect a
rewriter, I'd check the MMS thing first... but have no way to check.
BTW this rewriting can be detected by a folded "Content-Type:" field,
just like in OE or KMail: Mutt itself never folds this for text mails.

    By the way Mutt 1.4 shows me these 2 mails in the right thread, just
below the parent, but with a "`-?->" as if there was a missing mail in

    To check the hypothesis, could please someone using iPlanet send
directly to me a mail with Mutt 1.2.5(.1) default config, quoting in the
body it's own IRT field?

Bye!    Alain.

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