
* Christoph Bugel [02-06-12 16:34:28 +0200] wrote:

> So I guess the conclusion is:

> mutt-1.2.5 users break threading for everyone else on a mailing
> list! They should stop doing so immediately!

No. Because it's mutt we're talking about:

,----[ ~/docs/software/mutt/manual- ]-
| 6.3.72 in_reply_to
| Type: string
| Default: "%i; from %a on %{!%a, %b %d, %Y at %I:%M:%S%p %Z}"
| This specifies the format of the In-Reply-To header field
| added when replying to a message.  For a ful llisting of
| defined escape sequences, see the section on index_format.
| Note: Don't use any sequences in this format string which
| may include 8-bit characters.  Using such escape sequences
| may lead to bad headers.

So 'set in_reply_to="%i"' would be a better default value to
also be RFC2822 compliant.

> hmm, I never understood the concept of replying to
> multiple messages. Seems like counter intuitive, and over
> complicated to me.

It's easy. One additional field in References and multiple
in In-Reply-To.

> Also, the threading display will become very 'interesting'
> when messages have multiple parents.

In mutt, it only appears once (din't find anything to
configure mutt to show such a message multiple times).

* Richard Curnow [02-06-12 16:34:30 +0200] wrote:

> I've used it when I want to quote the body text of several
> messages in a reply, e.g. if things several people have
> said earlier are relevant now in the discussion.  IIRC
> mutt must treat the first of the replied-to messages as
> the 'parent' when it generates the In-Reply-To &/or
> References header(s), since that was the one my message
> seemed to get threaded under after I'd sent it.

I don't have anything important to add (just an example of a
reply to multiple messages at once ;-).

Cheers, Rocco

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